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In today’s article we are going to discussing a very important topic that does a pension income affects your Social Security benefits?. Recently, I received lots of questions regarding the matter. Therefore, I decided to write a detailed article on this very important topic. It is pertinent to mention here that around 67 million in the United States receive Social Security benefits. However, most of these people are unaware about current Social Security regulations. And so many of these people try to reach out to different unqualified advisors to get advice concerning their Social Security benefits, but they cannot get the right advice. So, firstly, you should have some kind of knowledge concerning your Social Security benefits and secondly you should always look for qualified advisors, having lots of experience in the matters related to Social Security.

Following are some differences between the Social Security benefits and a pension:

Two Important Scenarios You Must Know

So, there are two main scenarios that come into play, when Social Security Administration determines your eligibility and total Social Security benefits if you are already getting a pension. In the first scenario that is called Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) your benefits could be reduced by up to 50% of your pension amount. While in the second scenario which is called Government Pension Offset (GPO) your benefits could be reduced by up to two-thirds of your pension amount if you get a government pension plus spousal or survivor benefits from Social Security.

We already discussed above about Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and how it works, but we did not discuss much about Government Pension Offset (GPO). So, in Government Pension Offset Social Security Administration ensures that it calculates the benefits of government employees and private workers who did not pay Social Security taxes.  So, this is the main difference between Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO).

It is further added that the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) applies only to beneficiaries with non-covered pensions and if they have fewer than 30 years of covered employment. While the Government Pension Offset (GPO) serves a similar purpose as the WEP for those receiving dependent Social Security benefits along with a non-covered pension. There is also difference between amount receive by a spouse and a widow as spouse receives 50% while a widow receives up to 100% of the covered worker’s Social Security benefits.  

Can You Collect Social Security and a Pension at the Same Time?

Simple answer to this question is yes. You can collect both Social Security benefits and a pension at the same time.  If your pension is covered and you have paid Social Security taxes it will not have any effect on your benefits. However, if you worked for an employer who did not withhold your Social Security taxes, then your Social Security benefits could be reduced under ”Windfall Elimination Provision”.

What is Windfall Elimination Provision?  

Under the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) the benefits of Social Security are reduced for the individuals who worked for employers who did not withhold their Social Security taxes.

How Does Social Security Benefit Affect Your Pension?

A common question I always get is that will someone get Social Security benefits if he is already receiving a pension? As we discussed above that you could get both benefits at the same time, but there are some requirements you need to fulfill to qualify for both. So, here I will try to make you understand about the whole concept of the matter. So, first of all it is always very important to know your personal situation as it varies from person to person. Most important question is that whether you are getting a government or private pension and your employer withheld your Social Security taxes or not.

So, if you worked for the government and no social security taxes were withheld, you will be eligible to get Social Security benefits but these might be reduced.

Are there any exceptions to the Windfall Elimination provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO)?

The straight forward to this question is yes, there are few exceptions. The individuals who have 30 years of coverage are fully exempt from the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), while those with 21 to 29 coverage are eligible for partial exemption.

Exception to the offset provision include State, local or military service employees whose government pension, people whose non-Social Security benefit is not based on his or her own earnings, such as survivor beneficiaries and federal employees, including CSRS-Offset employees, who are mandatorily covered under Social Security.


In this article we discussed that how a pension effects your Social Security benefits and the main difference between Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO). The WEP and GPO are two provisions in the Social Security that impact individuals who receive pensions from non-Social Security covered employment. It is pertinent to mention here that WEP primarily affects those who have both Social Security covered and non-covered pensions, adjusting their Social Security benefits to prevent windfall gains. While on the other hand, GPO reduces or eliminates spousal or survivor benefits for individuals receiving pensions based on government employment non-covered by Social Security. These provisions aim to ensure fair distribution of benefits while considering employment histories.  

So, in short, WEP affects an individual’s own Social Security benefits, while GPO impacts spousal or survivor benefits for individuals who receive a government pension.

I hope you find this article helpful in understanding that how a pension affects your social security benefits. In case you have any further questions regarding this important topic, you can leave the same in comment box and I will respond as soon as I could. Thanks for reading.


Q. Does a Pension Impact Your Social Security Benefits?

A. If your employer withheld FICA taxes, which are the payroll taxes meant for Social Security then receiving a pension does not impact your Social Security benefits. However, your Social Security benefits could be reduced if you get a pension from an employer who was not required to withhold your taxes.

Q. What is the difference between Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and how Government Pension Offset (GPO)?

A. The WEP and GPO are two provisions in the Social Security that can affect your Social Security benefits. WEP is designed to adjust Social Security benefits for individuals who receive pensions from jobs that are not covered by Social Security, while GPO is aimed at individuals who receive a government pension based on work not covered by Social Security.   

Q. Does Government Pension Offset (GPO) reduce Spousal or Survivor Benefits?

A.  Yes. GPO reduces the amount of spousal or survivor benefits by an amount equal to two-thirds of the government pension.


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